Ecamm Live v4.2 Now Live

Ecamm Live v4.2 Now Live

The latest release of Ecamm Live v4.2 is now live for users to update. Bringing several new features that bring new functionality and improvements.

Scenery Integration

Scenery is an all-in-one video editing platform that is now part of the Ecamm post-production process. After your recording or live stream, you'll see a new option within the modal window that opens up. Joining next to the send to Descript, you'll see the new Scenery button in which your entire show will be uploaded to your Scenery account.

Instagram Live Comments

With Ecamm, you can now bring in your Instagram Live comments into Ecamm Live during your live stream. Whether you're streaming in vertical or horizontal style, those comments can be shown live to your audience.

Virtual Camera Update

The problem in trying to get Ecamm Live's virtual camera to appear in Discord or other 3rd party apps is now over. With this new update, Ecamm Live's virtual camera is now a macOS System Extension. No more having to work with the terminal to add this option, it's built-in now.

And Much More

These were just the big updates that are part of this new release, there's much more to see like perspective sliding, vertical safe zones, and more. Read the release notes here